Chase Bandolik Training

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

In terms of weight change, there is no difference between breakfast eaters and those who skip breakfast. 

The main priority when trying to lose weight and lose fat is to be in a caloric deficit. 

There is also no data that would suggest there is a difference metabolically either.  

In terms of muscle mass, there is no significant difference as long as your daily amount of protein for the day is on point. 

However, with all of this being said, I would not encourage children or growing adolescents to skip breakfast or other meals because you want to teach them about the inclusion of different foods and nutrients and not take them away. 

Also, if you have to perform early in the morning, a carb-rich breakfast is usually your best option. 

In terms of overall body composition, there is no significant difference between those who eat breakfast and those who skip breakfast. 

I would eat based on what works best for you performance-wise and based on when you get hungry.  

Personally, I usually work out in the morning and have noticed that I perform best when I train fasted.  

However, I know some people who perform better with a lot of food in their stomachs before their workout.

Also, personally, I get hungry at night so I save a majority of my calories for then! 

Do what works best for you!