Chase Bandolik Training

Knee Stabilization

It’s no secret that knee injuries can derail careers…

You can look at the long list of running backs who were explosive, dynamic players racking up thousands of yards in the stat books, but now are unknown to the casual NFL fan after suffering knee injuries.

Worst part about this is…

Knee injuries can be prevented.

Especially non-contact knee injuries.

All you need is to show them a little extra love and attention.

Here’s how to give them what they need:

1. Terminal Knee Extension

For this one, all you need is a cable, or band. Attach the band to a pole, and face that direction. Place the band over the back of your knee.

And all you’ll do is simply move the knee forward until you end up on your toes and then bring your heel to the ground finishing with a straight leg. This will strengthen the VMO, which is the teardrop muscle in the quad.

It’s under-active in most athletes’ bodies.

But we want to fire it up.

2. Decel Step Ups

Here, you’ll just need a bench, or something to stand on.

You’ll have one leg on the bench, one leg off.

And all you’ll do is push the hip back, and lower down until the leg not on the bench touches the ground, then push back up. Then repeat!

3. VMO Step Downs

Stand on a box and sit the hips back.

Keep one leg locked in place, as the other reaches down, touches the ground, then comes back up onto the box.

Again, this will activate the VMO, and help you stay safe in your athletic endeavors.


You should always be training in a balanced way.

When you get too far into specialization (jumping, running, training for specific sport) injuries can occur.

And these can be avoided if you use tools like the ones I laid out above.